

Lane Change Testing


High accuracy data generated by the VBOX 3i and IMU, along with a dedicated software plugin for Lane Change, allows you to easily and accurately carry out lane change manoeuvres which fall in line with the "Elk Avoidance Test" / ISO3888-2 standard.

System Features

Key Features
• High accuracy data using VBOX 3i and IMU
• Test lane change manoeuvres quickly and easily to adhere to regulations
• Set test points from a laptop or tablet PC in the vehicle
• Dedicated software plugin to provide live results in accordance with ISO3888-2 "Elk Test"
• Graphical representation showing the speeds achieved to establish pass or fail
• Immediate display of results which is useful when conducted as a "witness" test

Measured Parameters
• Speed
• Heading
• Yaw rate
• Lateral G
• Steering Angle (either from Vehicle CAN or external sensor)

Dedicated Test Plugin for VBOX Test Suite
VBTS Lane Change is designed to easily and accurately carry out the ISO 3888-2 'Moose (or Elk) Avoidance Test using a VBOX 3i data logger and IMU.

The software allows you to set the start and finish points of the test, and will record each test manoeuvre. One button configuration allows you to configure the VBOX 3i and IMU for the test.

The results chart in the screenshot below shows four runs of various speeds. Speed on entrance and speed on exit, along with percentage difference and time, are recorded to establish the validity of each test.

A graph illustrates speed and yaw rate against time, whilst the map logs the trajectory of the vehicle.
Lane Change Testing

IMU Integration
VBOX 3i features IMU integration, meaning that it has the ability to combine GPS and inertial data from a RACELOGIC Inertial Measurement Unit in real time.

Containing three accelerometers in the X, Y and Z planes, measurements from the IMU are seamlessly blended with the GPS data. This is useful for producing smooth, accurate data, particularly if you have a test site where view to the sky is obstructed, such as close to bridges, tall buildings and trees.
Lane Change Testing

Test Procedures
The lane change manoeuvre provides a good indication of the stability and control of a vehicle.

Using two lanes of cones, with widths corresponding to the width of the vehicle, it is carried out by driving through a tight first lane, before swerving hard into a second lane, and then swerving back into the original lane, as shown right and below.

It is designed to reproduce a sudden avoidance manoeuvre that can cause vehicles to lose control.
Lane Change Testing