SoundCam 2.0

SoundCam 2.0

• fast
• easy-to-use
• convenient
• lightweight
• handheld
• mobile
• low-cost
• battery-powered
• complex industrial
• high tech now in an intuitive format
• waterproof

SOUNDCAM is the first camera that images sound and is affordable for
everyone. The system is intuitive and as easy to use as a smartphone.
SOUNDCAM locates sound sources in realtime and immediately
displays the results on the screen.
Human beings best process information in a visual way. SOUNDCAM
visualizes complex acoustic information and creates a connection
between hearing and seeing. Analyzing and understanding sound has
never been easier!

Sound source localization is made very easy with acoustic cameras. Acoustic cameras are using Beamforming-methods for localization. The results are presented as a colored acoustic picture or acoustic movie and are easy to interpret for everybody. With this powerful acoustic tool it is possible to make acoustic optimization not just for sound design and NVH but also for failure diagnosis e.g. gear or leakage detection on engines. Futhermore the acoustic camera is an important tool for noise reduction e.g. machine covers or buildings.

SOUNDCAM consists of 64 microphones, an optical camera, an integrated data acquisition and analysis system, as well as a display and control unit with touchscreen and hardware buttons. The system displays high-resolution results in real time on the screen. What makes it so special is its high speed and accuracy.

Some of our customers:
• Aerospace: Airbus, DLR, Embraer
• Automotive: Audi, BMW, Continental, Ford, Hyundai, KTM, Magna, Mercedes, MTU, Skoda, Swell, VW, ZF
• Consumer goods: P&G, Unilever
• Home appliance: Bosch, Miele, Siemens
• Electronics: Barco, Ebm-papst, Fujitsu
• Universities: Brno University of Technology, Czech technical university in Prague, FH Wels, Kazan Federal University, KU Leuven, Leibniz University Hannover, National University of Singapore, PISA University, RWTH Aachen, TU Berlin, TU Munich, University Frankfurt, University of Twente, University of Zilina
• Various: 3M, Aebi Schmidt, DuPont, Dürr Dental, Evonik, Gardner Denver, Hitachi, Minetek, Toro

Tech Specs
